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🌑🌟 HELLO AQUARIUS SZN! TUNE IN for the FIRST New Moon of this magical year of the 7️⃣✨ The Aquarius New Moon on January 21-22. holds the energy of new beginnings, marking the beginning of a new astrological season and a true lunar new year 🌙✨

🌱All of this fresh new energy will feel welcomed after the last few months. We will feel the cobwebs of the past washed away and refreshed and ready to begin a new chapter. 🧘🏾‍♀️ Greater clarity is likely to arrive under this New Moon too, helping to guide us forward ➡️

🌟 With all this STRONG new beginning energy flowing in under this New Moon, we can use it to set intentions and plant seeds for the month to come (the true NU YEAR & REBIRTH from Spring Equinox 🌸) While the magnetic potential of this New Moon will be high for drawing things to us, taking a gentle and open-ended approach will likely work best… ✨

🌨️✨In one of the coldest months of the year, we welcome the new moon in Aquarius. Ironically with this winter season, this new moon brings with it a warm, loving feeling for the collective. As you know, new moons are for MANIFESTING our dreams!But the Aquarius new moon asks us to think about setting intentions and wishes for humanity. What role do we play in the collective human race? What things do we wish for, not only for ourselves, but for our loved ones, friends, and fellow human beings? What intentions do you want to set to heal our planet and all living things?

✨🌟🌑 Remember that although you cannot see the new moon illuminating the night sky like a full moon, there is potent energy when we tap into this part of the magical lunar cycle.

🌟 When we set intentions and wish upon the Aquarius new moon, we can expect to begin seeing those manifestations come to fruition over the next six months until the Aquarius full moon on August 1st, 2023.

🌟 By writing, reciting, singing, and speaking our intentions out loud, we are communicating directly with the universe and planting the seeds to create the life of our dreams. Under this new moon, focus on more than just what you want out of life — focus on what you want to see for those around you, too.

🌟 Aquarius rules humanitarianism, so if you desire to become more aware and involved in issues impacting all of us in a global sense, wish for it under this new moon. It also rules friendship, so wishing to be more welcoming to new friends or to network with like-minded individuals would be great under the Aquarius new moon.

🌟 This air sign also rules detachment. If you are filled with fear about becoming involved in new group projects or need to be more open to others' perspectives, you can set an intention to detach from limiting beliefs and expand your world. When it comes to our physical body, Aquarius rules the ankles and calves. So, if you have issues in those areas, you can wish for total healing, specifically for circulation, cramps, spasms, and even varicose veins.

Ground yourself & be aware of your body

♒️ Become aware of your body. Notice how gravity holds and connects you to earth. It’s as though your body is an ancient stone temple—solid, strong, secure. Sanctify this temple. Imagine a priestess is pouring sacred water and scattering rose petals, all the way down, from your head to your toes. Any anxiety or negativity washes away. Notice the thoughts and feelings leaving the temple—your judgments, your distracted mind, your worried heart. Be sure to honor them. Give each a smile & gratitude as it departs.

Draw a circle a protection & call in your blessings

♒️ Visualize a ring of fragrant flowers surrounding you, protecting you. Know that you are safe and relaxed. Breathe deeply. Feel the power of the Sun and Moon pouring into your circle. The energy of Aquarius is gathering in your circle. It is inventive and unconventional. It can be detached and rational as a scientist and as passionately involved as a revolutionary. It works for the good of all even as it honors the unique gifts of the self. Inspired by its ruling planet Uranus, Aquarius is interested in shaking up whatever has grown stale or too traditional. Let yourself feel its electric energy tremoring at the core of your being. Let it shake you up and turn you toward inspired new directions.

Allow your seeds of intention to plant themselves

♒️ Your intentions for this cycle are gathering. You may already know what you wish to accomplish. Or you may not. Trust that all will unfold perfectly in time. Know that this brief ritual has aligned you with spirit. Now ask your heart if it has a closing message for you. This may come in words or as a picture, perhaps as a body sensation or sound. Give yourself time to receive this message. Digest it. Write it down. Then, in gratitude to yourself and spirit, return to normal awareness. Place a symbol of your Aquarius New Moon message on your altar.

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